Friday, September 13, 2013

White T

I'm a TRUE film blogger & this movie was definitely a good rental. The movie had tons of upside & few downsides.
WHITE T **** The journey of two brothers desperately in need of some fresh new gear for an upcoming rap-battle.
Typically independent movies are missing several links from the chain, whether that be recognizable talent, lavish story-telling locations, high-quality principle photography, or just an overall good well-written story concept. Generally these sorts of films miss on several of those elements just cause of the shear fact their trying to make a mountain out a of a molehill.

1. The cast in this movie was funny. Not hilarious........ but definitely funny.
2. The locations were plenty. They had clubs, concert venues, interior car-mounts, time-piece cinematography, narration by a celebrity voice, and several high-budget crane shots.

This movie is WORTHY of a late-night rental. Will you watch this thing one-hundred times over? no probably not........ but I assure you, laughing out loud on several scenes will not be a problem.

I was...

quite an ecclectic array of cast-mates for such an odd film
So far 2013 has not brought out any urban films except for Haunted House...... which if I remember correctly this film played in the trailer section for H.H.
I found the story a little-bit crazy........ but the cinema of the movie itself was definately good quality.
Lamorne Morris, from New Girl had a small cameo.
Deion Sanders had a role in the film.

4 out of 5...... worth renting. The production is GOOD.

A good flick, even if story premise is a little cliche'
I once was at the grocery store with my six children & decided on making it a movie night. Of course when looking through the various titles, what grabs my kids attention the most was WHITE T. (the box cover with two over-weight males and a goat hiding behind a shirt).

The film is rated R, and I for one am usually not keen to letting my children watch what is in the wild marketplace that is sometimes. But,the kids and myself, we ended up making this selection the driving force to our family movie night. I was pleasantly surprised at the content & found the chemistry between Jamal & Jerod Mixon very enlightening. The plot thickens tremendously once they wake-up with their garment missing.

I'd say it's worthy of a rental...... heck, it's only $1.00 anymore anyways.

4 out 5

I reccommend.

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