Friday, September 20, 2013


I was greatly dissatified with the lighting all through this DVD. The entire video was too dark- almost like over exposed film. They used strobe lighting which alternated light & dark & distorted the colors detracting from the overall beauty of the production. One of the reasons that I buy these DVDs is because of the production itself-the banners, brightly colored outfits, & the dancers. In this case, I should have opted for the CD. I did ;however, enjoy behind the scenes interviews with the choir members & Pastor Wilson's prayer before the concert. I also enjoyed interviews with the audience as they stood in line before the concert. I like to see the audience enjoying these concerts & their interaction with the members of the group.
I would not purchase this DVD. Pastor Wilson did say that they did strive to have a worshipful experience & that he wanted this to be a different recording. I prefer listening to this particular production rather than watching it.

Great Experience
I have not purchased the DVD yet but will do so soon. I watched part of it and love it. I have all the CDs and DVDs Shekinah Glory Ministry has made so far and they have not let me down yet. It is a worship experience and is not meant to be view as a regular(secular) music video. They are worshipping God the Almighty in music and dance. So with that saying it is definitely not MEANT for EVERYONE to view.

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