Sunday, September 22, 2013

File Box

Stop before entering (the keyboard strike that is)
I had two good scares watching this move; the first being my wife nudging me awake and the second in realizing that my credit card was actually billed. This was yet another in the throng of shaky camera cinematography "horror" light films. It was a grouping of unlikeable young people in a film that I am still trying to comprehend why it was attempted. It certainly had potential but never moved past the cliche arguing and heavy petting we see in all of these young people away from home flicks. In good conscience it cannot be recommended; now please, let me get back to sleep.

An honest review
I bought File Box and as I do with all movies I watched it with an open mind. Now I do think it had a good story, the camera work was justified to the style of the movie and was well directed. There was some believable scenes most involving the character of Chris (Played by Timothy Fielding) but have to say the rest of the acting was poor. I believe File Box is a film definitely targeting people in the age bracket of 16 - 30 as they would relate to the characters, characters relationships and the antics in which the group get up to. Overall File Box doesn't advertise to being a high budget film , what it is, is a low budget film from an up and coming film maker .

indie film
I watched this expecting the usual high budget studio `paranormal home video' film, however you get the feeling although this has not got a huge budget, it seems on par with those studio films. I thought it was a really good independent film, this is what the market needs other than being flooded with high budget studio films that make out they are independent and real. In this film there are scenes you actually think are real, things captured on camera, seem can not be faked! I do believe in the paranormal and to watch a film that seems honest and not a `studio make-up' ghostie film is refreshing. I do recommend to watch it.

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