Monday, September 16, 2013

Week 25 [HD]

Excellent source for teaching real-world entrepreneurship to high school students.
I teach entrepreneurship to students at an alternative high school in SC. We view shark tank in class every Friday. The students have learned so much about so many topics that include: business pitch, equity, royalties, revenue, licensing, etc. The students are absolutely mesmerized by the show and are always looking forward to watching on Fridays. Most of the students frequently brainstorm product ideas and build prototypes to appear on the Shark Tank themselves one day.

Love it!
My family rarely watches TV programs, but when my mom came to visit, she wanted us to watch Shark Tank with her. To my surprise, my husband, my three adult kids and myself loved the show. We had to watch more so we bought the series on Amazon.

Awesome show!! Great teaching tool!!
This is a fantastic season, possibly the best of the four seasons, and is an awesome tool for teaching and learning about entrepreneurship and the US economy.

Click to Editorial Reviews

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