Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Gambler From Natchez, The

Dale Robertson and duels in post Civil War New Orleans
The Gambler From Natchez, Is Dale Robertson in his usual debonair style. Set in post Civil War New Orleans, Captain Vance Colby returns to see famous father Chip Colby, a notorious gambler. But on his trip home, he encounters an attempt on his life. After his arrival in New Orleans, he finds his father has died, killed in a duel, under dubious circumstances and from there the plot thickens. A great western but with flare. You'll enjoy it, I did and do.

Good film, Lousy video quality
Please see my review for Red Skies of Montana, just substitute the name of that film for this one, everything else applies, good film with what appears to be an old analog transfer, perhaps enhanced a little, and you guessed it from FOX Archives.

Entertaining adventure on the Mississippi river
A soldier (Dale Robertson) returning home to New Orleans after a four year stint in the Texas Army finds his father has been killed. He makes a promise to revenge himself on the three men (Kevin McCarthy, Douglas Dick, John Wengraf) who conspired to murder his father and cover it up. Why the film has Natchez in the title when the film's protagonist is from New Orleans is strange but that's neither here nor there. Directed by Henry Levin (WHERE THE BOYS ARE)), this diverting adventure with a touch of swashbuckle is quite entertaining. It never aspires to be more than a modest low budget time waster and it's better made than many an "A" picture. The film manages to have an authentic Mississippi river feel although it was made in Hollywood in large part to Leland Fuller's art direction. Lionel Newman did the underscore though his main title seems to have been "borrowed" from Sol Kaplan's theme to KANGAROO which came out two years earlier. With Debra Paget as a riverboat beauty, Lisa...

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