Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Tiger And The Monk

Amazing spiritual story
Whether you agree or not with the tourist interaction at this Monastery / Wild Life Sanctuary, the documentarian captures and presents an incredible ongoing tale well worth the journey for the home viewer. There's a couple of rough scenes, still photos of slaughter Tigers - so that part really isn't good for the kids. But spiritually speaking, the synchronicity that perpetuates the Monastery's mission will leave you with hope and may even inspire you to donate.

Interesting yet troubling
These monks have become guardians of tigers and other animals late in the life of the temple. While awe inpsireing and interesting there is also a dark side. The fact that tigers in SE Asia are endangered is horrid. Secondly, it is only a matter of time before someone is killed or injured by the wild animals on the grounds of the temple.

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