Monday, September 16, 2013

We All Fall Down

Goodbye 90210, you will be missed
I will miss 90210 so much! It was my favorite teen drama since it began in 2008 and until May of this year. This show was so dramatic, filled with sex and twists that I'll never forget. The cast worked so great together for five years, and I will miss looking forward every week for a new 90210 episode, but it was a great season overall. Obviously, this season doesn't feel like a final season, because the show was cancelled right before the season finale (now series finale) was supposed to be filmed, so if you haven't seen the last episode, don't expect anything big or fancy, but at least the writers found a way to give everybody a closure. The CW did a really bad decision, they will never find anything like 90210 ever.

This season gets closer to the characters' feelings, with Dixon's car accident, Silver trying to have a baby before gettng diagnosed with breast cancer, Naomi breaking up with Max (they were end game! I suffered when they split up), Annie's new writing career...

Best Show!!!
I chose a 5 because we love this show and we like how convenient Amazon makes it to have access to this show. If you watch the series from season one, 90210 gets very addicting.

Retro girl Loving the new 90210
Love it! Never thought I would like it. I grew up watching the original 90210. I love how the original characters are in the show!

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