Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Skin In The Game [HD]

Great Show
I thought, after changing the main character three times this show would not make it. But Ted Dansen pulls it off nicely. I thoroughly enjoy this show and find the episodes to be believeable. Good cast of characters. Recommende!

Series is on Life Support. Maybe It's Time
It's not an exaggeration when I say I was one of the most avid CSI fans out there. I watched from the Pilot and never looked back. I think seasons 2-7 of this show were empirically good television. Good, tight writing. Nuance. Subtext within the cases. The character development, while measured, was nicely done. I liked seeing the characters grow and evolve within the profession and I grew particularly fond of the show's longest arc: the fascinating push/pull relationship between Grissom and Sara Sidle.

Actors get to a point when they want to move on, so Grissom leaving the show--while a bit of a blow--was okay because it was handled very well. His reunion with Sara in Costa Rica was absolutely gorgeous. Definitely the stuff that creates a bit of a legacy for both his character and hers. I think the transition to the Ray Langston character was a bit of a dropped baton. Laurence Fishburne is a very good actor, but the powers that be did a disservice by structuring the show...

Delivers what you've come to expect from CSI - excellence.
Having been masters at character development, its great to see them incorporate that into a script so well. And guess who knows Vegas history well enough to solve this retro-crime?

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