Sunday, September 22, 2013

Watershed [HD]

An AMAZING Show With AWESOME Writers And Stars!
My husband and I NEVER miss "Castle". It is the ONLY show we both enjoy equally. And this fifth season opener was incredibly satisfying, not just in its own merits but also in how it advances the characters forward.

For four years we watched as the charming and bright but immature Rick Castle fell deeply and truly in love for the very first time in his life. And we also watched a dynamic and attractive but seriously wounded Kate Beckett slowly begin to painstakingly crawl out of her shell and learn to trust.

That the writers have done this with humor and wit, and adventure and mystery, and adorable fun and genuine tenderness - not to mention with more than a little bit of human wisdom - has been the most enjoyable and heartwarming journey that either of us can ever remember with ANY two fictional characters.

And "After The Storm" is a perfect set piece in a perfect story line in the perfectly imperfect world that has enchanted us in this beloved...

Castle: Season 5
Since season 4 ended I have been wondering how the writers would bring all the players back into the fold. They have done so in a most rewarding way. As for the three eposides that have aired, I am in doubt the Captain knows of the new feelings between C & B but from previous episodes I get the notion that R & E have figured it out. I am looking forward to see how the writers work in the Captain learning the secret - which is no longer a true secret - and how the 'twist' will unfold. Monday is a great night.

have a bucket list, to be able to afford to purchase all seasons videos
I was never into watching series TV. Always have on stock market stations and all sports. Then 1 day about 6 weeks ago I caught an episode of Castle. Absolutely fell in love with the characters ( esp. Fillion,of course ) LOL
The writers of thiese storylines are excellent.The comedy lines inserted at all the right places are written with much thought.
I never had a bucket list, but at age 75, I have now. To see Fillion in person.. Hell, I'd be happy to be able to afford to purchase the videos of each season. Got a copy of season 4 and wore it out already.
I for one will be extremely disappointed in they don't renew Castle for season 6.

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