Friday, September 13, 2013

Of Two Minds

Thoughtful And Engaging: Three Individuals Share Intimate Moments About Living With A Bipolar Disorder
The new documentary "Of Two Minds" by Doug Blush and Lisa Klein is one that struck pretty close to home for me. Having come from a fairly tumultuous childhood, one of my most vivid memories is of my father's wildly erratic psychological mood swings. Diagnosed with Manic Depression (this was before Bipolar terminology had come into being), it was a complicated navigation to maintain a veneer of normalcy when everything was actually spiraling out of control. In those days, people had less exposure to bipolar disorders and certainly less knowledge about them so it was something that was kept completely under wraps. Today, discussion and understanding of bipolar conditions is a little more commonplace (heck, Catherine Zeta Jones just went into treatment again), but that makes it no less disturbing. "Of Two Minds" doesn't really delve into the bipolar condition from a medical or scientific standpoint. Instead, it presents three subjects who have lived with the condition and are willing to...

Excellent Documentary
Having loved ones with this condition, the video was recommended to me. I watched it in 3 sittings. Very powerful.

I'm Bipolar also and this movie did a pretty good job of depicting the highs and lows. I can show it to my mental health class.

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