Thursday, September 12, 2013

One Day With The Creator - Segment 1: WHAT IS TRUTH?

Makes Sense
This is segment number 1 of 28 segments of the Bible Class called "One Day With The Creator". It begins with an excellent HD Music Video showing God's creation - it is goose-bump material! Then a teaching follows on "What is Truth?" The teacher, John Lynn, teaches with a very different but refreshing style of conviction mixed with humor. And he is very persuasive in his examples regarding why truth is not truth just because we believe it is truth. John holds your attention throughout by "keeping it real". In other words, he makes the Bible "make sense". If you have heard about this Bible class, but haven't purchased it yet, check it out by watching this first segment. If you like it, you will like the entire class. I can easily recommend this class "One Day With The Creator" to anyone who wants to increase their understanding of the Bible so that it "makes sense".

Click to Editorial Reviews

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