Saturday, September 14, 2013

Crazy Clowns, Bunny & Pony Obsessions [HD]

Season 1 ~ All Episodes
This show cracks me up!! It amazes me what people will tattoo on their body only to wish it was gone later. The stories the people tell as to why they have the tattoos they have & why they don't want them anymore is quite funny. The tattoo artists the shows uses to do cover ups are VERY talented. Talented enough I'm thinking of tracking one of them down. Good show, funny people & great tattoo artist's all in one place, what more can you ask for in a tattoo tv show lol. I haven't watched any other tattoo shows so I don't have anything to compare this to but I'm very glad I purchased these.

On the cheap side
I really enjoy "Ink Masters and Tattoo Nightmares." So I had high expections but , I founf the series to be cheaply made al the way around.

not worth watching
every bad tattoo was covered with a there no other option?
I would not purchase any more of this series.

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