Thursday, September 12, 2013

Beware of Mr. Baker

An amazing film.
I loved this documentary. Ginger Baker is both a crazy genius and a train wreck. Nevertheless, this film humanizes the Cream drummer, warts and all. You end up both loving and hating him, yet you can't look away. His musical genius is readily apparent. What is unique is that the filmmaker got as close to him as anyone could. The interviews with Baker and his family and friends are wonderful. The editing of the film is superb. Great use of animation in moving the story forward plus tons of archival footage and great music. If you're a music fan of a certain age, don't miss this film!

Real and vivid portrayal of a great drummer but a flawed personality
This documentary does not hold back; you get to see the man himself just the way he is and was (I met him once myself and would prefer not to repeat that experience). By far the most influential drummer in Rock of all time, even though he is not a "rock" drummer. His Jazz credentials alone are stellar and equal to the best of his generation, and when you mix that with his astounding intuitive understanding of African rhythms, he has no peers.
Wonderful interviews with Jack Bruce, Eric Clapton and others.
Only wish they showed him playing more full pieces on his drums.

When Rockers Ruled the World
Heard about this documentary months ago and couldn't wait to see it; I was not disappointed. Excellent overview of the career of a true legend, and one of music's most compelling and contemptible characters. There was a time when rock stars like Ginger ruled the earth, leaving a path of dysfunctional destruction in their wake, while producing some of the greatest music the world has ever known.

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